在Neuberger & Partners LLP律师事务所,我们很自豪能成为大多伦多地区备受瞩目的刑事辩护律师事务所之一。我们在整个安大略省建立了良好的声誉,基于我们处理任何刑事案件的能力 - 无论复杂程度如何 – 我们以大量实际成功案例为保证。
在Neuberger & Partners LLP,我们意识到打击这类案件的重要性。自1992年以来,我们根据个案的独特情况为客户定制辩护。无论在挑战最初的警察叫停车俩、测试方法的准确性,还是违宪挑战,我们穷尽每一项辩护。
Neuberger & Partners LLP成立于1993年,是一家备受瞩目的多伦多律师事务所,专注于刑法。服务范围覆盖大多伦多地区和整个安大略省。无论您的案子简单、复杂还是备受关注,我们的律师都尽心代理。
Canadian law prohibits a driver from having a blood alcohol level over 80 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood. Individuals who cause accidents while driving while impaired can face significant criminal charges...
It is a criminal offence to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs. These charges are usually documented by means of standardized field sobriety tests taken at the roadside under the observation...
Refusing to provide a breath sample is a crime in Ontario and elsewhere in Canada. While these cases may seem cut and dried, in that you either perform the test or you don’t – there may still be other legal and factual...
If you are convicted for refusing to submit to a roadside alcohol screening, you will face the same penalties as for impaired driving or driving over 80. For a first-time offender, these include suspension of your...
The consequences of being found guilty include, most importantly, a criminal conviction for the offence for which you were found guilty. There are additional consequences that are both financial and liberty...
Conviction of a drinking and driving related charge will result in a permanent criminal record. Your photograph and fingerprints will be retained by the RCMP and will become easily accessible by law-enforcement...
Many people often believe that because they have been charged with a drinking and driving related offence that they will ultimately be convicted of the charges and lose their driving privileges. This in...
Classified as a “high-risk” driver in the Province of Ontario, an individual is usually required to obtain insurance from Facility Association. Facility Association will typically add a surcharge of 100% of the normal premiums...
Conviction of impaired driving, over 80, refuse breath sample, or other related charges may result in limited travel abilities. Other countries, including the United States, can prevent entry into their country if the individual...
In any impaired driving case, there may be one or more defences that could lead to the dismissal of the charge or a reduction to a lesser offence. Among the most significant of these is the “Last Drink Defence,” sometimes...
If you wish to regain your license at the expiry of the driving prohibition period, you will need to participate in a mandatory provincial assessment program at your expense. (Approximate fee for this assessment is $500.00.)...
First Offence Conviction Consequences: A minimum fine of $600.00, A minimum one-year driving prohibition period, Possible period of probation
Second Offence Conviction Consequences: A minimum jail...
Our clients come from all walks of life. Whatever your situation and needs, we fully review all aspects of your case to help you protect your rights and achieve a workable solution.
Call our office at 416-364-3111 or contact us online to schedule a consultation to discuss your case.
Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results and that the amount recovered and other litigation outcomes will vary according to the facts in individual cases.
July 25th, 2023
Joseph A. Neuberger & Saul Benavides Carrasquero Neuberger & Partners...
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Joseph A. Neuberger & Diana Davison Neuberger & Partners LLP Toronto Criminal Lawyers On June 30, 2022,...
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Joseph Neuberger, Neuberger & Partners LLP On May 13, 2022 the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that Parliament...
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Joseph A. Neuberger Neuberger & Partners LLP Toronto/Brampton Criminal Defence...
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